The Order of Prémontré: History and Spirituality: Special 900th Jubilee Commemorative Edition


This 900th Jubilee Year Edition reprint of The Order of Prémontré: History and Spirituality is a comprehensive and readable overview of the 900 year history and spirituality of our Norbertine Order, with a special focus on our saints and other notable individuals throughout the centuries. By Rev. Bernard Ardura, O. Praem.; translated by Bro. Edward Hagman, O.F.M. Cap. & edited by Rev. Roman Vanasse, O. Praem. Features a new 900th Jubilee Preface by Fr. Ardura and cover jacket, Smythe sewn binding, 704 pages. 

This Jubilee Year Edition will be available after Easter. Copies of the original version, available now, may be found here.